
alt text —————————————————————————————————————————————— (An Encyclopedia of Buckminster Fuller’s synergetics)

My name is Solomon Yaw Adeklo. I am currently studying a BSC in Information Technology at Valley View University in Ghana.I am always fascinated by Buckminster Fuller’s inventions and concepts. One of the concepts that Buckminster Fuller developed was Synergetics. Fuller invented this mathematical and scientific concept (Synergetics) to correct the error in the present day mathematical coordinate system which was modeled around the theory that the world was a flat land and its horizontal plane extended towards a meaningless infinity( the XYZ cordinate system). Buckminster Fuller had to do a thorough experimentation to discover the most rational coordinate system of the universe and that discovery led him to invent nature’s most friendly building structure thus “the geodesic dome.” I decided to build an Encylopedia that contains information on Fuller’s Synergetics concept.

Synergetics is the system of holistic thinking which R. Buckminster Fuller introduced and began to formulate. Synergetics is multi-faceted: it involves geometric modeling, exploring inter-relationships in the facts of experience and the process of thinking. Synergetics endeavors to identify and understand the methods that Nature actually uses in coordinating Universe (both physically and metaphysically).Synergetics provides a method and a philosophy for problem-solving and design and therefore has applications in all areas of human endeavor.

“Synergetics, in the broadest terms, is the study of spatial complexity, and as such is an inherently comprehensive discipline. … Experience with synergetics encourages a new way of approaching and solving problems. Its emphasis on visual and spatial phenomena combined with Fuller’s holistic approach fosters the kind of lateral thinking which so often leads to creative breakthroughs.” To study Synergetics visit

This project dubbed “Synergetics Encyclopedia” is an ongoing development that is built with the C# programming language. It is open source and I am looking forward to collaborating with any Developer to help make this project a success.

Requirements : Visual Studio 2012

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